Doing something a little different with this just because I happened across this and thought it fitting. Since today is the 4th of July, I thought I would do something to go along with the theme of it.
Firework people: loud, contagious laughs, full camera rolls, risk-takers, stubbornness, sneaking out, cluttered rooms, worn out converse, the sound of opening a soda can, singing off-key, big cities, movie theater popcorn, movie ticket stubs
Storm people: secrets, black journals, chain-link fences, the smell of smoke, sly smirks, 80's movies, combat boots, also rain smell, whenever lightning is forked and illuminates everything, sweetest laughs, cracks in the sidewalk, loyalty, broken-down cars
Twinkle people: really into space, tried to learn how to knit once, it went ok. Prefers Apple over Samsung, uses snapchat a lot. Uses an emoji in every sentence but its good. Like the brand cause it has nice sayings on their products
Glimmer people: Unpopular weather opinions, gets winter hippies instead of winter dads, will beat you at Mario kart, has a really clean phone screen, smells like the fresh linen candles, super good at doing hair, probably refused to buy the new iPhone because of the headphone jack